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Serve dinner naked

Well this one is hard to do with a family and it has taken a few weeks to get organised, but the time came this week as the 3 bambinos are spending a few days away. I thought I might feel a bit stupid serving supper nude but actually I rather enjoyed it …..actually, I wasn’t exactly nude as I wore my apron, you don’t want to get burnt boobs when you’re cooking believe me, so this was a good compromise and allowed me to hide a few wobbly bits at the same time. H’s reaction was pretty good as he arrived home from work to find me cooking in my birthday suit. As I had a few other cards not yet completed I decided to tick off a few all on the same night, after all it’s only about once a year that we get the place to ourselves, so I thought I would do the card that said something like ‘invite your partner over for pizza and write a love message on it’ . As usual I decided on a bit of poetic license and decided to write the message on our new work top , this was done with icing sugar and looked pretty cool. As H complains that I am not romantic enough I felt that I had done pretty well and was ready to eat my food and watch an episode of Madmen, however H had other ideas and decided the new work top needed christening ….

10 minutes of passionate kissing

Well I finally picked my first card and it was the interesting proposition of 10 minutes of passionate kissing. Due to daily demands from full life a peck on the cheek,nose, general head area was considered good going and we were often too tired to even kiss goodnight so this was going to be refreshing (and possibly a bit tickly). It could in theory go two ways….stupid thing to say…could in theory go any number of ways but anyway the key as I saw it was not make the 10 minutes feel like longer for the right reasons.
Hence the need for some props. I summoned 1 blindfold (aircraft issue – where was the nice black felt one we bought a while back!) 1 set of Sennheiser noise reduction headphones (essential item on the commute to London) and 24 minutes on spotify. The result – an emotive mix of tunage to play to the blindfolded subject whilst passionately kissing for ten minutes. The advantages of this approach are that the subject has no idea of the link to the tunes, how long the kissing goes on for and where it is leading. Also by clever manipulation of the track list you can start with romantic classics that have some deep meaning to you both such as ‘when i fall in love’ by the incomparable Nat King Cole and steadily steer towards perhaps more exotic and contemporary selections such as ‘I want to do bad things to you’ by Jake Mace. I found that by trial and error my 3 tracks took about 10 minutes of time and suggest that you check how the continuity sounds (I.e. how the songs link together) if this sounds all to hard just go for something 10 minutes long like michael jackson ‘thriller’ or Frank Zappa muffin man, though there is no guarantee that this will have the same effect……..

Hi no cards for me yet

Well no cards for me on the first week. I am guessing most of these will be lame…..but hope springs ever eternal. You never know some crazed pervert might have broken into the card factory and added a few…..

welcome to 52waystoshowiloveyou

This is about how to keep things spicy even when you’ve been married for 15 years, have 3 childrenĀ  and lead pretty hectic lives.

For Christmas we were given a little box of secret romance cards and over the next year we will open one each a week and try to find time to do what the card says. this blog will chart the success or otherwise of this venture, with posts from each of us.

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